Waterfront to Sanctuary and Jericho
Flowers on Dumfries by Tamsin
Saturday of the long weekend and what bettter way to spend it than with bikes, coffee, burgers, beer and mates. We met at Waterfront with people converging from all corners of Vancouver, keen people cycled over Lions Gate adding more kms than the advertised 75 or so. We were lucky with the weather, not a drop of rain from start to finish.
Our routeing, for nine people, took us east,( recovering a mobile phone on the way which we returned to its rightful owner 24h later) and then south on Woodland, broadly uphill to 40th then downish to 59th, Ontario and the Canada Line Bridge. Sanctuary was its usual welcoming self and we refuelled with coffee and cinnamon buns as well as other treats before drifting west, with our resident Light Rapid Transit expert taking the opportunity to see the Steveston Tram on display. Turns out that it is a museum so we’ll put that down for another day.
Steady progress northwards was only interrupted by the lead pair talking too much and missing a couple of turns, we recovered the route with some nifty U-turns, with only our navigational pride being hurt. We headed back to the Canada Line Bridge, Richmond almost has a reasonable route now connecting the bridge to the waterside multi-use path, slow and steady improvements.
We safely negotiated the hole in the fence on the north side of the Fraser and then joined the Arbutus Bike Route to 45th following leafy, shaded streets all the way to the water and burgers. Jericho was busy with a load of people on the water on a beautiful afternoon. Well fed and watered we made ourr way back to the Seabus with some people going home over Burrard Bridge and Lions Gate while others returned to East Van
See the details here from Iain’s Garmin1040