Incident Reporting
If any injury or incident occurs during a club event which could result in an insurance claim, the event leader/coordinator should decide whether to report it by following the FMCBC guidelines and use the FMCBC Incident Reporting Form, all available on their website.
1. What incidents need to be reported?
Generally, any incidents that involve serious injury (i.e., require a doctor or hospital visit), ambulatory loss (i.e., injured party unable to walk away from scene), an altercation or adversarial comments (i.e., “call your lawyer”, “call your insurer”, “better have a good insurance policy”) should be reported.
2. How do I report an incident?
When an incident occurs that meets the criteria, the incident should be reported promptly by email to: As the FMCBC’s first point of contact after an incident, FMCBC’s Communications Manager will liase with our insurance provider. This allows FMCBC’s insurance provider to monitor potential injuries, losses or incidents and take appropriate risk management measures.
The club should complete and promptly submit the Incident Reporting Form to: The club may be asked follow-up questions, including whether the incident took place during a club-sanctioned trip, and may be asked to provide a copy of the signed waiver.
To make the incident reporting process go as smoothly as possible, clubs should document and keep a record of all their trips and have a well-organized system for storing waivers so the club can produce them when required.
Questions about the Incident Reporting Form or information to be collected should be directed to:
FMCBC has guidance in its Handbook and the FMCBC website addresses incident reporting, follow the links in this section.