Schedules and More Info

Important Info

Those needing information about an event should call the “contact” person/trip coordinator at least 1 day prior to the event, 2 days prior if you are new to the club, or 4 days prior if an overnight trip. Please bring money along for sharing car pool costs ($10 per hour per person on regular roads and $12/hour/person on logging/rough roads at discretion of organiser) and for other items such as ferries, gondola and food.

Please read the section “Important Information” below before attending a trip.

Trips we have planned – click the link below for the current schedule of events

February March 2025

More Things to Know:

1) The trip leader will decide the starting place. It is likely to be on the North Shore or Downtown. Details will be provided by the leader.

2) Non-members or members may be declined participation if coordinator was not contacted prior to the event.

3) The trip leader/coordinator will determine the start time. Participants are requested to arrive a minimum of 5 minutes early to assist in car-pooling.

4) Please be prepared to drive if required. Although they are rare, there are times when not enough vehicles are available for the number of trip participants. On these occasions, NVOC members are given priority.

5) Participants must be properly equipped: Good hiking boots, outdoor clothing, rain gear, food and water are required for all hikes and backpack trips. Be prepared for changes in weather. Bicycles should be in good order, and helmets, rain gear, food and water are required for bike trips. Please remember to bring clean street shoes for using during carpools to activity locations and have your hiking boots (or ski boots, etc.) in a plastic bag for storage during transport. If in the opinion of the trip coordinator, a participant is ill equipped or unfit for the trip, their participation may be denied.

6) Out of province health insurance is strongly recommended for trips to the USA. Participants are responsible for bringing their own passports and any other ID that may be required on US border crossings, and any medications or first aid supplies and items such as sunscreen that they may require (ie. ANA kits) for any and all trips.

7) Trip coordinators are volunteers; generally they are familiar with the trails, but occasionally new areas are explored. Participants must be aware that every trip has an element of risk and it is necessary to consult with the coordinator prior to the trip to ascertain what the level of risk will be. The trips are planned at a monthly meeting; participants are encouraged to attend these meetings.

8) All participants are required to sign in at the beginning of each trip. When signing in they acknowledge that they accept the risks involved, and that they have signed a waiver form to that effect.

9) The outings are adult orientated and not suitable for children under the age of 16 years. In consideration of other participants you are requested not to bring pets (e.g. dogs) on the trips.

10) The North Vancouver Outdoors Club is affiliated with the Federation of Mountain Clubs of British Columbia (FMCBC). If you would like to join at trip or event, please RSVP with the trip “contact” person listed beside the event at least 1 day before the event, at least 2 days if you are new to the club, and at least 4 days before if an overnight trip.  Please also check out the other important trip information listed on the trip schedule pages.

11) Please bring the ten essentials, checkout Lions Bay SAR page (eleven for Lions Bay!) for the details

12) Have a look at BC Adventure Smart, lots of interesting content here

13) Club trips will consider BC Health guidelines for avoiding Covid-19 virus.  This includes:

And have FUN!