Two Canyons (Perry’s Version)
Overlooking the lunch spot by Louise, December 8th 2024
Paula writes:-
There is something to be said for hiking with a group. In fact, a great many things were said on this hike. What I mean to say is, hiking means different things to different people. Some people like the hiking and talking part, some like the being in nature part and some like the exercise part. It is also entirely possible to like all of these parts mashed together.
In any event, this was a group hike, which probably goes without saying, seeing as it was a Club hike. The weather was quite good, which certainly does not go without saying. Little bits of sunshine floated down through the trees as we walked down the east side of Lynn Creek from the End of the Line Cafe. We crossed over the Seymour River via the Pipeline Bridge and then headed up Fisherman’s Trail, the Baden Powel, Greenland Trail and down Bottletop to our lunch spot beside the Seymour River. At times it was tricky to avoid being mowed down by mountain bikers. Moss and other beautiful greenery covers most of the forest floor and much of the forest itself in this area. Lynn Creek and the Seymour River never cease to impress and amaze me with their grandeur and beauty.
Thank you, Perry, for organizing this hike. Thank you to my fellow hikers as well. I very much enjoyed it, which says a lot coming from someone who prefers to hike alone.
See the route here from Iain’s Garmin GPSMAP67i and here from ALLTrails - with more photos