Fleurs de Ville, December 15th 2024

Tamsin writes:-
Luck was on our side this year for the ‘now becoming a traditional’ Fleurs de Ville Noel urban walk, with a mostly dry and not bitterly cold day (sandwiched in between a wicked wind storm and a dreary rainy day).  Eight of us met on Sunday afternoon to wander round the flower displays, the Woodward windows, the gingerbread house display at the Hyatt, the re-purposed Swiftie light signs now spelling out holiday words like Gift, Noel and Star, and as the afternoon light started to fade we also got to enjoy the many holiday light decorations downtown and on Bute Street.  The Fleurs were as impressive as always but we all agreed that the winner was most definitely the poor flower model who had fallen victim to the windstorm and now lay on a canopy edge with her legs in the air! 

A most enjoyable, social afternoon was enjoyed by all, with a hot chocolate stop part way round, and a tasty Bonta Italian dinner for a few of us (joined by 2 other members who hadn’t been able to make the walk). Look out for the invite similar time next year!


Plan B Winter Solstice hike December 21st 2024


Two Canyons (Perry’s Version)