Tunnel Bluffs in the Rain November 8th 2024
Sheila writes:-
Eight of us braved the rainy day to hike from the trailhead parking lot to Tunnel Bluffs, where as predicted, there were no views of our beautiful Howe Sound. However the hike itself and the good company made the hike very enjoyable. We crossed five creeks, two of them running high with the recent rainfall. Thankfully there were log bridges across these two, or the hike would have stopped as it would have been too sketchy crossing the creeks by rock jumping. After a short lunch on the rocks we headed back the same way. Not sure why, but when we arrived at the junction for Brunswick Mtn no one seemed to want to hike that trail (haha!). We had a guest on this hike and a word they used in Britain when it was misty and drizzling with rain was picked up by our members – MIZZLING. Love it! As a couple of members hadn’t been on this hike before we plan on returning when the sun is shining.