Mt Fromme - Sat May 13, 2023

Afsana writes:

Ten of us, including a new member Michelle, and guest Magda, began our hike up to Mt. Fromme, after letting a nonchalant black bear get a head start. Our lively chatter kept it away.

Weather was already hot at 9ish as we began the walk up to the trailhead and we were all thankful for the cool of the forest.

Conditions were dry & various members helped navigate the lower, sometimes confusing network of trails. Thanks everyone!

We encountered soft snow towards the last third of the trail. The cool breeze in this area was most welcome! We were grateful to have our spikes, even though it didn’t always help against pot-holing or sliding. One member managed to get up without spikes. We encountered a few runners and one couple with running shoes and no spikes. They gave up after struggling in the snow.

Nearing the 3 hour mark, I’m sure a few of us were muttering, “Are we there yet?” or may have been cursing the leader, but we were all afforded a stunning view at the top! Glorious sun and blue sky.

We reluctantly headed down (some had pub or dancing plans and others most likely hoping to avoid traffic woes), and we made it back in 3 1/2 – 4 hours.

A wonderful day! 

According to AllTrails, it’s 10.3 km & 890 m elevation gain. 

A bear wandering out of the woods just before setting off - image by Tamsin

Approaching the snow line … - image by Tamsin

Mt Fromme Group Picture - image by Maya

Lunch on top of the world (or close to) and incredible sky - image by Maya

Hot enough for hats! Contemplating the view - image by Maya


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