Alexander Falls, March 2022

Words by Afsana

Our group of 10 arrived to a sunny and gorgeous setting in the Callaghan Valley. We set off on our microspikes on the Real Life multi-use trail. 

Within 10 minutes, we were layering off, some exchanging toques for caps. 

After 5 km, we ventured into the Finger Lake trail, where within minutes, and some members exchanged spikes for snowshoes. Yours truly, short & stubborn, sank deep quite a few times. The heart rates went up as we gingerly crossed what felt like a finger width bridge. 

After the weariness set in, the snowshoes went on & I had that V8 commercial moment (insert a slap to head), “I could’ve put on my snowshoes sooner!”

We had a much-needed break at the second Finger Lake. 

We completed the 4.3 km of Finger Lakes trail & descended towards Alexander Falls (Explorer trail). As we got our first glimpse of the falls, it was so rewarding to hear people’s impressions. Wonderful to be with like-minded folks who have the same perspective. 

We reluctantly turned our backs on the falls & climbed up the short & steep Express trail to the parking lot. Some necessary Kahlua & gummies before we began our drive back to the lower mainland. 

Thanks everyone-Sheila for her expertise as co-leader, Alex for ensuring that we were on the correct trail, our trusted drivers & the members for their enthusiasm. 

It was approximately 12 km & 550 m elevation. 

Here’s a video so you can see what you missed!


Around Van City Bike Ride


Dreamweaver, Per Gynt trail