Eagle Bluffs not St Mark’s Summit, February 12th 2022

Looking down on the water, the Island in the distance, image by Iain

Martina writes:-

11 of us turned up to hike up St. Mark’s but we decided, based on a few recent trail reports and meeting a Park Ranger in the parking lot who warned us of the current high avalanche conditions, to do Eagle Bluffs.

Hiking up we had many stops to remove layers as it was so warm! We reached Eagle Bluffs around 11:15 There were a few members that had not been up to the Bluffs before. We had beautiful views all around. We enjoyed our lunch in the sunshine and it wasn’t too crowded yet. We headed back down where we encountered many groups going up so our timing for lunch worked out well.

We were back at our cars around 1:15.

See the photos below the map and in the Photo Gallery

See the route here from Iain’s Garmin GPSMAP66sr and from Glen’s Garmin InReach in the image below

Glen’s InReach GPS map


Three Bridges and a Viking Bike Ride, February 21st 2022


Brohm Lake and Tantalus Lookout