St Mark’s, Cypress

Maya writes:-

Six of us ventured out in what was forecast to be hot with 29 degrees expected.  As warned, we all had plenty of water, electrolytes, scant clothing, and bog smiles.

It was a group of firsts: two new members, both joined this week, Carl and Steve. It was the first time in a long while that Olivia made it on a hike. For someone in her mid 70s, she had no difficulty keeping up with the rest of us. It was the first time I'd hiked with Lisa, also a new-ish member. And Honey joined us too. 

The trails ranged from well compacted gravel, to very rooty sections, some scrambling was required, and it was tinder dry. Thankfully, we were in the trees most of the time, so the heat was kept at bay. There was a gentle breeze at times, which was very welcome. The views from the top were stunning.  Lisa has done St. Marks several times before, but never saw the view. She was in awe. It was, definitely, a worthwhile outing and it was a pleasure to meet the newbies. Welcome to the club! 


Halvor Lunden Trail, August 14th 2024


Petgill Lake, Hike and Swim, August 2024