North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Helipad to Whyte Lake

We all met at Gleneagles rec centre 0930. The forecast was less than stellar but as the sun was poking through it seemed like a good idea to go for a hike. We set off down the Sea View Walk , stopping for photo opportunities on the way. After about 1/2 hr we turned up a steep hill to the old highway (I think). Just before the bridge we turned off the road and hit the trail to The Helipad.

About 1/2 way up the rain started (Wardrobe adjustment done) and it continued on and off until we got to the helipad. We were lucky enough to get a bit of a view but as the clouds continued to move in we carried on to Whyte Lake. Somewhere along this trail I missed the sharp right turn and continued on to a fork in the road . At this point the trusty orange markers could not be seen and thanks to Iain’s GPS it was confirmed I had indeed missed the turn. Luckily this trail would also take us to “Rome” so we carried on. The trail was narrow but perfectly passable. Jokingly now renamed Gerd’s lost trail . Not long after we emerged on the trail to Whyte Lake. We headed down to the Lake and settled down for a spot of Lunch. The weather gods also decided to turn on the taps so lunch was consumed under umbrellas. I do believe the chocolate covered Jube jubes made the whole experience a lot more pleasant though.

After a short lunch we headed down the Whyte Lake trail. The rest of the hike was wet but fairly uneventful. Made it back to the car at 1400 hrs. Thanks for all of you that came out.

And here’s the route from Iain’s Garmin GPSMAP66sr