March Madness
Here is Maya’s trip report for Saturday’s Pub Night.
An intrepid 14/16 confirmed folk made it out to the Pemberton Station Pub Saturday night at 6.00 pm. It was a wonderful occasion. We all sat at one long table (on Maya’s insistence!). There was a bit of crawling to get into the bench seating, but once ensconced there, there was plenty of merriment, eating and drinking. Everyone was really happy just to be able to socialize over a burger and pints again.
A variation of food was imbibed, the most notable being the Beef Chimichangas. They looked like a large lump of bread of some sort – too big to actually eat – but once you got inside, the filling looked good. Needless to say, these all went home in doggy-bags!
Notable arrivals were Hiroshi, whom a lot of us haven’t see in a while, Stella and Kate, both newbies to the club, and Dolores, who enjoyed the company despite Glenn not yet being well enough to make it. After dinner there was plenty of mixing and chatting. A great way to finish up the day after Rick’s fantastic Leaders/Organizers Course.
Several of us stayed on after the party was over for an extra pint! – no names!