Gerd’s Stanley Park stroll with Ukrainian Dinner, Sunday May 29th 2022
Gerd writes:-
We started out from the entrance of Waterfront Station once everyone had got their bearings and found the place. There were 8 of us including 2 guests. Hopefully they will become new members.
We headed east towards Stanley Park stopping for wardrobe adjustments along the way. Partly cloudy but warm enough out of the wind. You could nearly believe it was the end of May if you put your mind to it. That is until you got to the Siwash rock. Incoming tide and quite windy. Lots of walking on hard surfaces feet, so at 2nd beach we decided to take a trail through the park that took us to the Georgia street side of lost Lagoon. Really appreciated how lucky we are to have ancient trees so close to a city.
Made it back to the Ukrainian Village with 15 min to spare for a well deserved lunch where we were served by a lovely young Ukrainian lady. Her first day on the job and she looked after us well. We managed to put away quite a feast. Pirogies of course, cabbage rolls, potato salads(European style) and surprise, surprise - some pickled herring. Only 2 of us thought that was a good idea. Can’t imagine why.
I think everyone enjoyed the walk despite a few sore feet, hips and knees at the end of the day