North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Brothers Creek, November 11th 2022

Nine of us made it out and up Brother’s Creek for the Remembrance Day Hike.  It was a partially cloudy day, but clear.  We quickly hit the snow line and, just as quickly lost the trail.  It was a bit hit and miss for a while, but the scenery was beautiful, and it was very quiet.  After finding a lovely sun dappled flat opening amongst the trees we had our minute’s silence.  We were obviously a few seconds late in starting our minute’s silence, because towards the end of our silence, we heard the bugle sound the end of the official minute’s silence.  That’s how silent it was.  It really was a beautiful silence.  Lest we forget.

The hike continued to Blue Gentian Lake.  We had a few laughs at lunch in a couple of feet of snow.  A few yelps as those, who chose to sit under the trees, got dumped on.  A lots of laughs from those who, wisely, chose to sit by the lake’s edge, not under the trees!  There was much merriment descending.  It was a good day and a good way to remember those that we have lost.