North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Tunnel Bluffs, June 18th 2022

Afsana writes:-

Nine hopeful members met up for the Tunnel Bluffs hike in Lions Bay. We were hoping for a repeat of the weather from our last trip there. Alas, the weather varied from overcast to showers.

Parking was not a problem, although we commented on not being the only crazy ones, I mean early birds.

After the first 2 km of a steep ascent on 7 switchbacks, we meandered along the a flat trail til our lunch spot. The trails were wide enough so we could get to know a new member, Megan, & 3 guests, Maya H, Kim, Martin, & catch up with present members.

We decided to forgo climbing the slippery sections to the bluffs for a drier day.

10 km, approx 4 - 41/2 hour return trip. It was great to be out with good company in the forest.