North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Teapot Trail and Seven Sisters

Tamsin writes

Despite the wet forecast, eight April Fools decided to brave it and headed out to Cultus Lake for a hike to the quirkily-named Teapot Hill.  A brief rain shower did have us all donning waterproofs and rucksack covers at the start but the sun then appeared casting beautiful light through the forest.  The trail wound up and down through lush green-draped trees (Tamsin was in furry-tree heaven!) and may have had a little more elevation than the advertised 250m – ok it had 3 times more elevation but it was good for us!  After a few warm-up km on Seven Sisters Trail, Horse Trail and the more uninspiringly named ‘Road 918’ we did reach Teapot Hill Trail and the prize for spotting the first piece of crockery went to Alexander.  Many more teapots, teacups, milk jugs and mugs were subsequently spotted nestling in tree stumps, hollows or hanging from branches – it was definitely an appropriate trail for April 1st.  The end point of the trail offered a glimpse of Cultus Lake with a pretty rainbow as misty rain blew in, and we stopped for lunch a little way back, overlooking the lake, until a short but chilly hail shower encouraged us to get going and head back down.  With the help of Iain’s GPS we found the alternative loop trails for a bit of variation rather than completely retracing our steps.  Light sleety rain showers tapered off, the sun shone through and the trees sparkled.  Layers were removed as we warmed up again and overall we felt we had been extremely lucky with the weather and the beauty of the forest made for a lovely hike.

Dave provided some local info after the hike. You can see that here. The route and stats can be found here, from Iain’s Garmin GPSMAP66sr