Sanctuary and Iona Bike Ride, Saturday May 11th 2024

Tamsin writes:-

This trip turned out to be a 'ladies day out' due to last minute plan changes for the men who had signed up.  So, after a slight delay due to a morning flat tyre, four of us ladies had a most enjoyable chatty day and a relaxing ride out to Sanctuary Cafe in Steveston for coffee and cake.  Then, after a brief stop at the Larry Berg Flight Path park to climb to the top of the world, we followed a new bike path looping around the airport to Iona spit for our sandwich lunch (forgot how long that gravel path is despite seeing it every week from an aeroplane!).  It was a beautiful sunny day with a pleasant breeze to keep us cool (even chilly at times) and we were proud of our 82km and (most of) our map-reading skills :)   Thank you to Iain for the route-planning in asbentia, and I'll try to follow it better next time!!


Lynn Valley, June 8th 2024


Brothers Creek Hike, May 4, 2024