Parks and Beaches Ride, Monday 23rd May 2022
A pause at UBC by Tamsin
Parks & Beaches Ride, Monday 23rd May:
Tamsin writes:-
6 holiday-weekend cyclists met up at the Waterfront seabus terminal (some having cycled over from the north shore!) and proceeded to meander our way through surprisingly small crowds of tourists on the Stanley Park Sea Wall loop, heron-spotting along the way. Feeling quite lucky with the warm but hazy ‘sunshine & cloud’ weather, we continued all the way round past Science World and Granville Island, along to Kits beach, Jericho beach and Spanish Banks. After the slog up the hill to UBC we stopped for lunch in a very pretty little park, and watched some kids play in the fountain. Continuing on through Pacific Spirit Park (and ok I’ll admit there was one minor route hiccup when I forgot to turn left onto the forest trail, despite having trialled the route 2 days earlier!) we then ogled the large houses in Kerrisdale and made our way along the rollercoaster that is 37th Ave to Queens’ Park and back to False Creek for a sunny afternoon beer/cider/G&T.
It was a most pleasant holiday-Monday 55km and I’d like to say we were having so much fun we forgot to take photos, but I rather suspect I took everyone on a bit of a training ride! Thank you to all for coming out, and to our newest member Matthias for the beers!