Park Crest and the Hole in the Fence (*2)
Ford Wrecker Gates by Louise
Iain writes:-
The rain stayed away!! The forecast was a bit miserable, but undeterred we headed off from Waterfront, proceeding pretty snappily (including an aeration stop) to Park Crest Diner in Burnaby arriving at 0900, “precisely”.. Breakfast was spendid in this authentic sixties creation. We even have a photo (1964) provided by Dave P of his cousin on a horse outside the Diner!
Next part of the journey took us south, past a spendid view of Still Creek, and then the Christine Sinclair Community Centre to Deer Lake. A mix of trail riding and boardwalk walking allowed some time for taking in the beauty of the lake as well as the Arthur Erikson Baldwin house, two storey modern post and beam structure - read more here.
Discussion topics; plays, Australian intrigue, films (Three Idiots"), books “A Girl in Winter”, A Penguin History of Canada (Robert Bothwell) earthquakes, bridges and ships, next rides and so on.
Down to the river (steeply) via the BC Parkway and some exploring at the end took us to a Waste to Energy plant (complete wth a very fine Archimedean Screw), a new Amazon Fulfillment Centre and a Ford Wreckers place.
More air needed at intervals and then west along the Fraser, ending up at the concrete pipe factory, a transit depot and another Hole in the Fence, which is how you know you are local, A Lazarus Soul moment.
North along Arbuus Greenway and Cypress took us home for a cup of tea.
This right, centred on the Park Crest Diner, came about from a member idea. So if you want to ride somewhere just let me know and a bike ride can be put together and off we go. Fun with friends and bikes.
Here is the route from Iain’s GARMiN GPSMAP67i