North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Old Buck and Three Chop trail

April 10th 2022, Mary writes:-

A group of 8 with Perry as organizer started the hike along the Old Buck Access trail to the Old Buck Trail. From there we continued down to the BP Trail and continued east until we reached the Three Chop Trail.

It was very cold and we stopped to put on much needed warm layers as we followed the trail downhill. Having descended for some time the inevitable hike up, described by Perry as unrelenting, came as no surprise and we climbed to the top of the poorly marked Three Chop Trail .

It was an interesting trail which ran parallel to a fast flowing creek and crossed smaller creeks as it made it's way steeply upwards. Now, not only was it cold but the forecasted snow arrived which necessitated another change of clothes. The falling snow was in the form of small pellets (soft hail) and it soon covered the trees and trail with a fine white dusting.

The thoughts of lunch and warm coffee kept us going as did Perry's ongoing encouragement that it was only "another 15 minutes to the top". Arriving at the top we found a large welcoming hollow under some trees where we hunkered down for lunch.

We then continued down the Old Buck Trail and soon left the snow behind and hiked out to our cars It was a peaceful hike having the trails to ourselves throughout the day except for encountering a small group pf mountain bikers.

Another very enjoyable hike, thank you Perry