Iona Bike Ride

The forecast for July 31st 2021 was warm and cloudy with no rain, or at least one forecast was. Another forecast had 30 to 40% chance of rain and this turned out to be correct. Seven of us met at the Seabus, slightly later than planned due to trip leader’s inability to read the Seabus timetable. A steady climb up to 40th starting with a circuit of the Convention Centre and a ride through the CBD followed by Burrard Bridge and the mansions of Shaugnessy took us to the Canada Line bridge, Gerri and Perry peeled off here for a return to downtown and lunch.

Rest of the team crossed the Canada Line Bridge into Richmond and heaed out round the back of the airport to Iona Beach. The beach and parks were all curiously empty for a long weekend, maybe everybody is out of town. One of our two rain showers was during lunch so we avoided the worst of it sheltering under trees. Iona was peaceful, top excitement being a Kids Adventure Club having the time of their lives. The journey home took us through Trout Lake Park which was a first for some of us before wrapping up at at Postmark brewing, which turned out to be Settlement Brewing but I knew where I meant.

Maya’s Relive track is here and Iain’s Garmin track is here with more photos from Maya, Tamsin and Iain.

A few of us ended up at Mary’s on Davie for a great end to the ride.


Petgill Lake


Tatchu Peninsula Backpack