High Falls Creek Hike

Here is Rob’s Trip Report for High Falls Creek Hike, led by Sheila. 


A group of nine of us headed up to the mountains in behind Squamish on Friday July 1, to celebrate Canada Day as well as enjoy the amazingly good weather, which was mostly sunny and an almost perfect temperature ranging between 20 and 24 degrees.  Five of our group had never done this hike before so it was a great day for them to experience the trail.  Club members might want to take note that this is the third or fourth trip in a row led by Sheila which didn’t involve rain falling on us!!

We started on the trail at about 10 am; and climbed quickly from the river/parking elevation up into the mountains.  The trail involved scrambling up several rock areas with chains and ropes anchored in the rocks of several of these areas to aid hikers.  Everyone did well on these, with more experienced hikers helping the less experienced with finding good footholds and handholds in the rocks.  The rocks were nice and “grippy” with the dry weather so climbing was relatively easy.  We did pass one couple with a dog at the start of the hike who turned back and had no idea that there were ropes and chains involved, and apparently hadn’t taught their large dog to rock climb yet.  There were NO other hikers on the trail which I think may be the first time I’ve seen that in 2 or 3 years.  We met a few people on the logging road on the way down the “loop” of the hike we did, but they had arrived by car or SUV.

We were soon rewarded by several views of the various waterfall drops on the creek, as well as view of the creek canyon, the spectacular surrounding snow-capped mountains, and the Squamish River Valley (see accompanying pics).  There were many fabulous wildflowers along the way including some pretty native BC Orchids sprouting from the forest floor.  We had to keep dragging Gerd away from taking dozens of flower pics.

We had lunch at a pretty spot close to the trail and unfurled a large Canadian flag which we hung on the trees behind us while we ate.  Total distance hiked was about 10 km.

The hike was capped off by a fabulous “tail-gate party” arranged by Sheila beforehand and contributed to by all, which we held in a restful forest floor spot right by a branch in the river.  Much food, beer, cider etc. was consumed (drivers were responsible though), and several of us washed our sweaty faces and hair in the river.  All in all - a great hike (about 5.5 hours return).

Climbing up one of the steep rock outcrops

  1. Heading up through the woods on well-marked trails

  2. Rob at one of the rock outcrops

  3. Gerd and Sheila on the trail, with spectacular mountain views opening up behind

  4. Upper part of the Falls with pools and spray flying off the water

  5. Spectacular views of the mountains and Squamish River valley below

  6. Striped Coralroot Orchid – one of many wildflowers out everywhere

  7. Hiking down the logging road 4 km to the main road – several of our group in view, mountains above, and the Squamish River below

  8. Tailgate party with huge spread of food and drinks – Maya, Fern, Martina, Gerd, Sheila, Stella, Hiroshi, Emelia


Tamsin and Louise’s Mystery Tour


Lynn Peak, Saturday June 25th