Evans Peak - Sat July 29, 2023
5 lucky members secured a parking spot so we could hike up to Evans Peak. We thought we were early, arriving before 8am… We managed a spot on the dusty road, but under the trees.
It was a 3 hour climb to the top, with frequent breaks for hydration and catching our breaths. Even with the overcast weather, our shirts got soaked during the 968 m ascent in 4.5 km.
We were happy to pass a chatty group, and I’m being kind…It meant that we didn’t have to wait for anyone going up the 2 trickyish rope sections. We said, ‘faryed knot’ when we saw one section of a rope, and managed to scramble up with our feet and handholds.
Our experienced and strong members helped yours truly by carrying some water and lunch so I could ditch the backpack and poles for the last bit. The climb up didn’t feel as scary as it did last May.
When we arrived at the top, we initially enjoyed the place mostly to ourselves. Glorious views of Mt. Blanchard, Alouette Mtn, and Edge Peak. The chatty group arrived and we got one person to take pics of our group.
What goes up, must come down, and I managed to scramble down the sketchy sections with guidance from our experienced and strong members. They also guided other nervous hikers we met on the trail.
The way down was somewhat faster, and we were kept alert on the steep, dusty trail that had lots of loose rocks. Casualties included a few slips and scrapes for moi and a wasp bite for another member, luckily not one who’s allergic to stings.
We got back early enough so we could enjoy the remaining Saturday. Thanks to our wonderful driver and great company!
Views along the way. Image by Afsana.
Image by Afsana.
Image by Afsana.
Image by Afsana.
The hiking group rightly looking rather pleased to be at the summit. Image by Afsana.
The story behind the name. Image by Afsana.
Hair raising descent… Image by Afsana.
Image by Afsana.
Dusty and a dash slippery on the way down. Image by Afsana.