North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Eagle Bluffs - not Iceberg Lake!

Here's the write up for the hike on Saturday, July 23rd, words by Afsana.

Our original five keen hikers dwindled to we weren't sure if there would be other hikers on the Iceberg Lake Trail to ward off any bears, we decided to go up to Eagle Bluffs in the morning.

We left the sunny city and arrived at a partly foggy Cypress parking lot. At the fork, we decided to go to Eagle Bluffs first, hoping that the fog would've cleared by the time we got to Black Mountain. You can see that it was a good choice as the only photos we took were from Black Mountain. The early birds didn’t get the view.

After the quick photo shoot, we descended to grab a shot of Cabin Lake and then continued down to the parking lot. As always, a very enjoyable morning getting a good workout while getting to know each other more.