North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Pumpkin Hike - Sat Oct 7, 2023

The idea for this hike started with a few of our club members over 10 years ago as a fun way to celebrate Fall and as an excuse to eat more pumpkin pie and other pumpkin flavoured goodies, while getting some exercise on the way to our destination. This year we did the 9th Annual Pumkin Hike (we missed 2 years due to Covid restrictions). At the time we started the event, there were only Starbucks "pumpkin spiced lattes" and of course pumpkin pie and muffins available at stores. You may have noticed that the entire food and beverage world has now jumped on the "Pumpkin Spiced Everything" bandwagon. Some people now think the "pumpkin spiced everything" trend has gone on too long, or has gone too far...... But has it?..... Perhaps this hike helped some of us to decide!..... Hmmm..... Food for thought....... Judging by the enthusiastic response of the 13 people who participated, we all still enjoy pumpkin flavoured (or pumpkin spice flavoured) food and drinks. A huge variety of food and drinks were hauled up the 900 meter elevation to the Grouse Mountain summit. Thanks to all who made and brought the food!

The two main requirements for coming on this hike is that members bring at least one food item based on the pumpkin theme - sweet or savoury - using pumpkin spices, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, or pumpkin flavouring; and be willing to brave the elements and climb the mountain for some exercise. This year we went up the McKay Creek trail - starting at the Grouse Mtn. Parking Lot, walking to the East along the Power line trail/road, going up the McKay Creek Trail to the bottom of "The Cut", then hiking the Simic trail to join the BCMC and to the lodge. We started at 9 am and proceeded at a slow and steady pace up the mountain, arriving at the top at about 11:45 am. Two members who had some foot and leg injury restrictions met us at the top. The weather was so good this year we decided to sit outside on the lawn near the “lumberjack show” area in the sun and 22 degree warmth. Members contributed pumpkin/Halloween tablecloths, napkins and decorations in addition to the food.

The feast took well over an hour to consume. The food items were too numerous to mention – but here is a partial list to tempt future hike participants – pumpkin spiced chicken wings (thanks to Sheila who couldn’t come with us!), pumpkin hummus, bean dip, pumpkin cranberry bread, sliced meats to go with the bread, salad, cheese, pumpkin loaf, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin spiced pretzels, pumpkin spiced almonds, pumpkin candies, pumpkin marshmallows, pumpkin wine, 2 types of pumpkin ale, and so on……. You can tell these club members enjoy their food! The sunny and warm weather contributed to a great event!

Some of our group climbing the McKay Creek trail through the trees. Image by Rob.

One of our breaks for water and snack.  Weather already getting very warm. Image by Rob.

The huge spread of great food for our Fall event. Image by Rob.

Our group relaxing on the upper slopes of Grouse Mountain. Image by Rob.

Fuel… Image by Adrienne.

Alternative fuel! Image by Adrienne.

It’s warm out, but who am I? Image by Adrienne.

A lovely Fall day in the sun. Image by Adrienne.

Fall feast… Image by Adrienne.

Gerd and Ellen enjoying the high life, image by Tamsin

Martina providing a helping hand, image by Tamsin

Definitely some uphill Pumpkining by Tamsin

Rob, or as he is now known, Mackey Creek, image by Tamsin