North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Perry's Very Berry Merry Hike - 20 August 2022

Maya’s Turn, is that a skirt? by Maya - or Maya’s phone at any rate

Leading by Perry, Words by Maya

This was one of the best hikes yet in North Vancouver.  It was 13 km with >700m total elevation.  Thankfully, this was a cooler than typical August day.  It only hit 24C.

We started at the top of St. Mary’s Avenue, and climbed, and climbed for about 500 M along the Dreamweaver trails. Brenda said cheerio to us after about an hour because she had a date with Peer Gynt and St. George! Luckily, Brenda just missed the rickety bridge.  The rickety bridge, was even more rickety than usual, because a tree had taken out the far end and one had to clamber over the roots of said tree to get off the bridge – see photos.  After this climb along a fairly treacherous trail we scrambled down a 50 meter scree slope to have “elevenses”  at Mosquito creek.  We could hear the creek, but there was no water visible.  The water in March was above the bottom of the tree-bridge that Margaret and Gerd are standing on – see photo.

We crossed Mosquito creek and continued to climb for another two hours to our lunch spot. Looking back at the top of the steep trail to maximum elevation, there was a sign nailed to a tree: “Hazardous Trail.”  Go figure! 

Our lunch spot was another lovely spot on the creek bed beside a “waterfall” that was only a trickle!

Then Perry told us the news – we were scrambling up the “waterfall” using the ropes that were strung along the side of the waterfall – see photos.  After the rickety bridge a few folk weren’t happy.  We were promised no more scary bits!  Someone was at the top of the waterfall and shouted hello.  He then descended using the ropes and we chatted.

Surprise!  The climb up the  waterfall wasn’t in the plan. We ended up descending along the Old Grouse Mountain Highway, a beautiful over grown trail, lined with berry trees, that were very plentiful of fruit, which were well consumed.  Very much bear country, but we didn’t even see any scat.

We returned back to the cars via St. George’s.  It was a really good hike with good company, on a perfect summer weather day.