North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Fleurs de Villes walk report, Sunday December 11th 2022

Tamsin Writes :-

Seven of us met at the Waterfront station and the start of the Fleurs de Villes Noel walking tour.  It was a somewhat chilly day but we were well wrapped up as we meandered through the city streets following the Fleurs map and stopping to photograph many of the beautiful displays; flower mannequins, wreaths, flower arches, swings and floral reindeer were among the many artistic creations.  We also took in the Woodward window displays along the Pacific Centre, and an amazing Gingerbread model competition displayed in the Hyatt lobby.  The walk was a tad longer than the advertised 3-4km... we stopped for lunch in a great Japanese restaurant after nearly 6km then, our numbers a little depleted by those who had to head home, finished the route with another 3km.  It was a most enjoyable social walk and something a little different from the mountains!

All images by Tamsin