North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Crabapple, Railway, Steveston Figure of Eight including Sanctuary, Family Day 2023

Iain writes:-

Monday February 20th dawned overcast with heavy rain and indeed the forecast was set for the day with a possible post prandial glimmer in Richmond. Our original band of nine was whittled down to seven and thankyou for letting us know so we weren’t waiting in the rain -it really makes a difference. We rendezvoused at Waterfront Station and headed east on Alexander before heading south on Dumfries to the Canada Line Bridge. It was a pretty brisk ride, needed to keep warm but there was no way to fight off the wet.

Briefly west along the dyke before resuming our southerly track and turning up at Sanctuary. Welcoming bike racks and hooks for drying gear, well fed and caffeinated we headed off to return via Crabapple, crosssing briefly to Sea Island to look at planes. For the journey north back into Vancouver we were down to seven as other priorities took people away.

This was a prety straightforward route, in a figure of eight. Happily for us the rain stopped at lunchtime and the afternoon was warm(ish) and dry. The tricky part of the journey from Canada Line Bridge through that NW tip of Richmond is slowly improving, still a little bit of sharing a main road with cars, but otherwide a much better deal than going via the casino.

We’ll repeat this in warmer, drier weather.

See the route here from Iain’s Garmin GPS Edge 800