North Vancouver Outdoors Club

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Rick’s NVOC Organiser's’ Course

What a great way to spend a sunny Saturday, from a simulated trailhead meet to concussion discussions and marvelling at Rick’s packing ability. The idea of the course was to help new organizers as they start to lead trips and to remind more experienced organsiers of procedures. It was also a grand opportunity for us to get together with coffee and donuts and discuss a whole range of scenarios.

There were about twenty people on the course, from brand new to somewhat more experienced members, everyone contributed, it was a pretty noisy day out. The conversation was open and free flowing, for sure all the questions were answered. We also visited one of Rick’s outdoor classrooms, learnt about the Rule of Threes, different ledership styles and VITEL as well as OUCH kits.

Thank you to Capilano University for providing a room for this and thankyou to the Club for refreshments. Most of all thank you to Rick for giving us the benefit of his massive outdoor experience and helping us become better leaders. We hope to see it repeated.

Keith and Mary sent these comments in.

We both felt that Rick did a sterling job of providing a comprehensive
perspective and materials on what is involved in good trip organization
and leadership. The scenarios were excellent in having to apply the theory
in a real world situations.

It was also great to hear his incredible experience in the outdoors and
incidents that worked out well or otherwise. Having other experienced club
members present also added to it being a very informative day.

Thanks to Rick and to the club for organizing the event!

Keith and Mary